Recovery and Resilience Observatory in the Southern Italy: challenges and opportunities for manufacturing companies | Survey on southern Italian companies 2023

The Observatory presents the results of the 2023 Survey: a work that has been monitoring the production system since 2021 through a survey of a sample of 700 national manufacturing enterprises (300 of which from the South) with the aim of capturing the trends and signs of change towards a development model consistent with the new international economic policy guidelines.

The report includes four focuses - 1) Investments, PNRR and SEZs; 2) Exports, international markets and suppliers; 3) Bioeconomy; 4) Regional factsheets: Campania, Apulia, Sicily.

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In this third edition the historical series available covers the two most recent events that have shaken the global economic equilibrium (the pandemic and the Russia-Ukraine conflict), changing the reference scenario for Italian and southern enterprises at the beginning of this decade. The shocks that have affected the entire production system have had consequences not only on demand, and therefore on outlet markets, but also on the entire supply system, so that even less internationalised companies have suffered, either directly or through a cascade effect, slowdowns in supplies and/or cost increases.

The topics investigated in the survey, while considering these critical issues, look at business activity at 360° and touch on multiple aspects: from the propensity to innovative investments to internationalisation (both in terms of exports and supply relations), from the focus on the Bioeconomy - a topic at the centre of the European agenda for sustainable growth - to the most current energy issues. All this looking not only at the southern territory as a whole, but also at the top three regions in terms of demography and production: Campania, Apulia and Sicily.

What emerges, on the whole, is an entrepreneurial fabric ready to take up the challenges posed by the changes taking place, increasingly attentive to new opportunities (PNRR and SEZ first and foremost, but not only) and sensitive to the new EU development paradigms.

  • survey.pdf
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