Tourism & Territory. Trends, impacts and business dynamics 2024

SRM's Observatory on Tourism reaches its second edition. The Report highlights the numbers, challenges and potential of the tourism supply chain, as well as possible lines of policy for the sustainable growth of the sector in Italy and particularly in Southern Italy.

The Report deals with a variety of topics: from the international scenario to the level of competitiveness of the regions in the European context, from trends in demand to the economic impact of tourist presences.
A specific survey explores the vision of entrepreneurs, trends and signs of change linked to the new context, with special focus on new development paradigms based on the digital transition and ESG sustainability.

The study is completed with regional summary sheets dedicated to Italian macro-areas: the South (already available with the Report download) and the Centre, North-West and North-East (forthcoming publication).

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SRM's Observatory on Tourism reaches its second edition. The Report highlights the numbers, challenges and potential of the tourism supply chain, as well as possible lines of policy for the sustainable growth of the sector in Italy and particularly in Southern Italy.

In 2024, tourism presences are expected to recover fully in the Mezzogiorno. Compared to 2019, the figure is estimated to grow by 2.8% for a total of almost 89 million nights spent. The recovery of international demand will continue, with strong intensity, which is estimated to grow by 4.5% compared to 2023, fully exceeding the pre-covid period (105.4% compared to the 2019 figure).

Southern tourism in the European context is well positioned but with ample room for improvement. Based on an analysis of 98 regions in the EU4 area (Italy, Spain, France and Germany), three southern regions (Sardinia, Campania and Apulia) are in the top 30, and Sicily is 31st.

  • tur_schede_centro.pdf
  • tur_schede_nordest.pdf
  • tur_schede_nordovest.pdf
  • tur_schede_sud.pdf
  • turismo_up.pdf

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